Electrolysis for Teenagers

As teenagers undergo physical changes, issues like unwanted hair can negatively impact their body image and self-esteem. For teenage girls, this might mean excess hair on the sides of the face, while for teenage boys, it could be thick, bulky eyebrows. Some teenagers feel too embarrassed to discuss their hair concerns, while others seek advice from a parent.

If you’re a teen or the parent of a teen, rest assured that there is a permanent, safe, comfortable, and convenient solution for removing excess hair: electrolysis.

What is the youngest age for electrology treatments? The appropriate age for treatment depends on the young person’s motivation. Most electrologists prefer to ensure that the decision for electrology treatments comes from the young person, not the parent. Girls as young as 12 may seek treatment for hair removal on their upper lip, and both boys and girls often receive treatments to define or separate their eyebrows.

Can young people tolerate the treatments? Yes, with new techniques, equipment, and topical anesthetics, the sensation of electrology treatments is reduced. As young people mature, their tolerance for treatments typically increases. If a young person decides against treatment, the electrologist can discuss other options to manage the hair until they are ready.

If the young person is too sensitive, what other options are there? Cutting, clipping, or shaving are the best methods for hiding hair, as these do not cause hair to become coarser or denser. Bleaching can help conceal scattered hairs to some extent. Depilatories, which remove hair with chemicals, can be used but may cause irritation and potential skin pigmentation issues.

Teen and pre-teen girls often get treatments on their upper lip, chin, and sides of the face. Young women and men may also have their eyebrows defined or separated, as well as treatments on the hairline, neckline, and body areas.

Why do young girls grow hair on their upper lip? Genetics, hormones, and medications can cause hair growth at any age. Many people never learn the exact cause of their excess hair growth and instead turn to electrology treatments as a reliable solution to this common problem.

Permanent Hair Removal