Throughout a woman’s life, hormonal fluctuations can cause unexpected hair growth. Hormonal changes and conditions can lead to various issues, including unwanted hair. These changes can be related to puberty, menopause, pregnancy, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), underlying medical conditions, genetics, and certain medications. It is advisable to consult an endocrinologist for a proper diagnosis and treatment. For hair removal, electrolysis is an effective solution.
Why have I suddenly started growing coarse hairs on my chin at 40 years old? During your consultation, your electrologist will take a thorough health history to identify possible reasons for sudden hair growth. They may ask:
- Do you have thyroid problems?
- Are you diabetic?
- Have you had menstrual or ovarian problems?
- What medications do you take?
- Do you have a family history of unwanted hair?
Some studies show that women may experience menopause symptoms up to 10 years before menopause, which could be a contributing factor.
Electrologists cannot diagnose medical conditions, but they can guide you in discussing these issues with your physician. Regardless of the cause, your electrologist can permanently remove unwanted hair.
I have always had a lot of facial hair. Am I the only one? You are not alone. Many people experience unwanted hair. Most likely, your electrologist has also undergone electrolysis treatments. Their compassion comes from personal experience. There are more people with unwanted hair than without!
If you have PCOS, your electrologist can permanently remove unwanted facial and body hair.
Every doctor I see tells me to “just lose some weight” to normalize my periods, but I can’t seem to lose weight. Plus, I have hair all over my face, breasts, and belly, making it difficult to change at the gym. What is wrong? An endocrinologist may be able to help. Women who are overweight, have difficulty losing weight, have irregular or absent periods, and hair growth in male-pattern areas should be evaluated for PCOS. These are classic symptoms.
Electrologists cannot diagnose, but they recognize abnormal conditions. If you have PCOS, your electrologist can permanently remove unwanted hair.
What is the treatment for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)? Treatment depends on the symptoms. Your primary physician or endocrinologist will determine the best course of action. If weight is an issue, following a diabetic healthy eating plan with complex carbohydrates is often successful.
Electrolysis will permanently remove unwanted hair. Your physician may also prescribe medications to address medical issues.
I went to see an endocrinologist, and my tests came back normal. How can that be with all this hair on my face? Dr. Jeffrey Redmond, a NY endocrinologist, explains that some bodies are more sensitive to circulating hormones. Normal blood levels may not be normal for you. It’s important to have another conversation with your endocrinologist and advocate for your health.
I have both acne and chin hair. Will electrolysis help? Chin hair in women is often exacerbated by tweezing and waxing, leading to thicker or ingrown hairs. If you have acne on your chin but not on the rest of your face, electrolysis treatments can help. By stopping tweezing and allowing the electrologist to properly treat the hair, your skin will clear.
Hormonally caused facial hair in women usually starts on the chin and upper lip corners. Practitioners use the Ferriman Gallwey scale to document the amount of excess hair.
What medications cause hair growth? Many medications can cause hair growth or hair loss. Talk to your pharmacist about the potential effects of each medication you are taking.